
Tissue Paper Butterfly Mosaic

By Nicole Torretti May 4, 2016
Create a beautiful butterfly with your mac kid! 

-Sturdy paper or cardboard.
-Variety of tissue paper.
- Pipe Cleaner.
-Googly eyes.

  1. Draw outline of butterfly.
  2. Cut 3 circles out of tissue paper for head and body. We used a candle top to trace our circles.
  3. Glue head & body on.
  4. Glue googly eyes, mouth & antennas on. (Cut pipe cleaner into 3 tiny pieces for the antennas & mouth).
  5. Cut tissue paper into tiny pieces (enough to cover the butterfly's wings).
  6. Distribute glue throughout wings.
  7. Stick tissues pieces on glue.
  8. Let dry for a few minutes.
  9. Cut out butterfly!