
February Is Children's Dental Health Month

By Nicole Torretti, Publisher of Macaroni Kid Enfield February 4, 2019

My Mac Kids recently had their dental cleanings and check up. I asked a lot of lot questions so I can hopefully answer some of your questions.

1.) What age should kids brush on their own? Parents should actually continue to help brush their kids teeth until the age 8! 

2.) How do I know if my getting is getting the appropriate amount of fluoride? If you do not reside in a community that has fluoridated water or have the appropriate amount of natural fluoride in your well water, your child will need some sort of supplement in their diet.

3.) Should children use fluoride tooth paste? For children younger than 3 years, parents and caregivers should begin brushing children’s teeth as soon as they begin to come into the mouth by using fluoride toothpaste in an amount no more than a smear or the size of a grain of rice. For children 3 to 6 years of age, parents and caregivers should dispense no more than a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.

4.) Can my child's diet affect their dental health? Absolutely. It is important that you initiate a balanced diet for your child so that their teeth develop appropriately. In addition, this will positively affect healthy gum tissue surrounding the teeth. Please note that a diet high in sugar and other forms of carbohydrates may increase the probability of tooth decay.

5.) What causes tooth decay in infants? I nurse my now 2 year old to sleep and her dentist recommends sneaking in brushing or wiping her teeth off after I nurse. She suggested I started to wean at night. Do not put them to bed with a bottle of milk, juice, or formula. When a child is sleeping, any liquid that remains in the mouth can support the bacteria that produce acid and harm the teeth. A simple pacifier or bottle of water is fine.

6.) What are your recommendations for toothpaste for kids? Pro-sys. Tom's Silly Strawberry Toothpaste.

7.) Electric toothbrushes for kids? Yes, but make sure the head of the brush is on the smaller side. A lot of the kids electric toothbrushes have to big of head for a tiny mouth. 

8.) Should kids use mouthwash? A mouth rinse with fluoride helps reduce tooth decay by making teeth more resistant to decay. Unless you are advised to do so by a dentist or other health professional, the ADA does not recommend the use of fluoride mouth-rinses for children younger than six years old. Many children younger than six have not yet fully developed their swallowing reflex and may be more likely to swallow fluoride mouth rinse rather than spitting it out.

9.) What are some good snacks for kids? Bad snacks? What drinks are good/bad? Sugar can promote tooth decay. Fresh fruit like apple, pears and bananas are good. Watch out for bread, pasta & chip often there's more sugar in those starch based foods candy. Water helps strengthen and clean teeth. Milk helps strengthen not only your bones but also teeth. Fruit juices, sports drinks and soda should be avoided. 

10.) What are sealants? Does my child need them? Tooth sealant refers to a plastic that a dentist bonds into the grooves of the chewing surface of a tooth as a means of helping prevent the formation of tooth decay. Any tooth that shows characteristics of developing decay should be sealed. The most common teeth for a dentist to seal are a child’s back teeth, and of these teeth, the molars are the most common teeth on which dental sealants are placed. The recommendation for sealants should be considered on a case-by-case basis.