5 Super Easy Easter treats!
1,) Annie's Homegrown cheddar Bunnies carrots. Super cute & super easy for school!
2.) Easter Strawberries. I LOVE making anything that involves covered strawberries. You could dip in white chocolate and add orange food coloring or purchase Wiltons orange candy melts (I usually purchase candy melts at Party City). To get the carrot like ridgies use dental floss!
3.) Ice cream cone basket. Fill ice cream cones with your favorite jelly beans. Licorice for handles. So simple but so cute!
4.) Egg Pops! What you need plastic easter eggs, empty egg carton. push pins, wooden skewer, small funnel, straws or popsicle sticks, your filling (I use gatorade). Place eggs in carton with bottoms facing up. Use pushpin to make a hole in the center and 2 holes on the sides (provides air circulation). Use skewer to enlarge the hole. Use funnel to pour liquid in. Place straws or popsicle sticks in the holes. Freeze overnight.
5.) Bunny Bait! Ingredients: popcorn,10.9 ounce bag of M&M Speck-tacular milk chocolate eggs, 5 ounces of fruit flavored mini marshmallows, 1 cup cinnamon bunny graham crackers (I use Annie's Homegrown cinnamon bunny grahams), 8 ounces of white chocolate. On large baking sheet spread out popcorn, chocolate eggs, marshmallows & bunnies in even layer. Melt chocolate & drizzle over (pastry bag works awesome). Allow to cool for 15-20 minutes.