
Hood Eggnog a Holiday Favorite

Creating family traditions year after year

By Nicole Torretti, Published of Macaroni Kid Enfield December 9, 2020

My family votes Hood Eggnog as the best tasting eggnog. It's no wonder why Hood Golden Eggnog is a holiday favorite. The rich and creamy taste is just so delicious. We enjoy Hood Golden Eggnog during several of our family traditions throughout the holiday season.   

One of our favorite family holiday traditions is decorating our Christmas tree. My kids get so excited to take out their special ornaments and find spots on the tree for them. I love seeing the twinkles in their eyes as we light up the tree for the first time. Year after year it's so incredible to watch. 

While we are decorating I have snacks and Hood Golden Eggnog out for us to enjoy. This year while decorating we will be sipping Hood Golden Eggnog and munching on Eggnog Chocolate Munch Cookies, a yummy-looking recipe I found on Hood's website.

Tune in!

Friday, December 18th my family and I will be tuning in to WBUR’s 16th Annual Reading of “A Christmas Carol” Virtual Event for a new holiday tradition our family will enjoy. You, too, can join the hosts from WBUR as they read Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” The story, divided into five parts as edited by Dickens for public readings, will be separated by carols sung by one of Boston’s local choirs. Each reading is performed by a different WBUR host. Host readers include Meghna Chakrabarti, Tiziana Dearing, Jack Lepiarz, Bob Oakes, and Robin Young. The event is planned to be broadcast over Facebook Live and YouTube, allowing for unlimited event attendance in 2020. Tickets for this event benefit Rosie’s Place, a sanctuary for poor and homeless women. Tickets can be purchased HERE. You bet while we snuggle up viewing "A Christmas Carol" we will be sipping Hood Eggnog, which goes perfectly with all our holiday traditions. 

Whether decorating your own tree or attending a virtual holiday event, one thing is for certain, everything is more jolly with Hood Golden Eggnog!

Be sure to find HP Hood on Instagram and Facebook.

Macaroni Kid is proud to partner with Hood for this campaign. The author has been compensated for their time. All opinions are their own.